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Global report on trafficking in persons 2022


Auteurs : Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC)

Finding 1 : Number of detected victims falls for the first time in 20 years as pandemic limits opportunities and potentially pushes trafficking further underground, while constraining law enforcement capacities to target the crime
Finding 2: Trafficking for sexual exploitation less detected during the pandemic
Finding 3: Victims rely on “self-rescue” as anti-trafficking responses fall short
Finding 4 : Global slowdown in convictions accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic
Finding 5: Increased impunity in home countries resulting in more victims trafficked to more destinations
Finding 6 : War and conflict offer hunting grounds for traffickers
Finding 7 : Climate change is multiplying trafficking risks
Finding 8 : Boys and men account for a greater share of detected victims as new forms of exploitation emerge
Finding 9 : Women and children suffer greater violence at the hands of traffickers
Finding 10 : More highly organized traffickers exploit more victims, more violently and for longer periods of time
Finding 11 : Women more likely than men to be traffickers or more likely than men to be convicted?

  • Poursuite des auteurs
  • Données sur les tendances de la traite
Population Ciblée
  • Chercheurs et universitaires
  • Médias
  • Organisations internationales
  • Professionnels en lien avec la lutte contre la traite
Focus géographique
  • Monde

Ce site a été conçu avec le soutien de l'Union européenne et du Conseil de l'Europe dans le cadre du programme conjoint intitulé « Projet d'Appui aux Instances Indépendantes en Tunisie » (PAII-T), co-financé par les deux organisations et mis en œuvre par le Conseil de l'Europe.

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