Rights, Residence, Rehabilitation: A comparative study assesing residence options for trafficked persons
Auteurs : Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (OIM)
This study aims to assess how legal norms pertaining to
the right to residence are being translated into practice. It provides a
comparative legal and practice-based assessment of the application of
the right to residence in four countries, namely Austria, Belgium, Italy
and the United States of America. Field work was undertaken in all
four countries in July and August 2009. The findings are drawn from
46 interviews held with a diverse range of participants.
- Monitoring et évaluation des politiques publiques sur la traite
- Procédures légales et affaires judiciaires
- Droits des victimes
Population Ciblée
- Organisations internationales
- Professionnels en lien avec la lutte contre la traite
Focus géographique
- Amérique du Nord
- Autriche
- Belgique
- Italie