Enhancing the safety and sustainability of the return and reintegration of victims of trafficking
Auteurs : Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (OIM)
This report follows on from the implementation of two distinct but complementary projects implemented by IOM: Coordinated Approach for the REintegration of victims of trafficking returning voluntarily to any third country (CARE project) and Transnational ACtion – Safe and sustainable return and reintegration for victims of Trafficking returning voluntarily to priority countries: Albania, Morocco and Ukraine (TACT project).
This joint report aims to gather and share the lessons learnt through the implementation of both projects, suggesting a way forward for the establishment of transnational referral mechanisms between EU MS and third countries. The issue of transnational referral mechanisms is a key priority in the current EU anti-trafficking efforts, as mentioned in the EU Anti-trafficking Strategy for the period 2012–2016.
- Rapatriement et retour volontaire
- Réintégration
- Coopération internationale / régionale / bilatérale
Focus géographique
- Albanie
- Autriche
- Chypre
- Espagne
- France
- Grèce
- Italie
- Maroc
- Pologne
- Portugal
- Royaume-Uni
- Ukraine