Delta 8.7 cash transfer mapping report
Auteurs : University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR)
Delta 8.7, the Knowledge Platform for the Alliance 8.7, seeks to expand the evidence base on effective measures. From October 2021–March 2022, Delta 8.7 undertook a cash transfer mapping exercise, specifically looking at the potential effectiveness of cash transfers to mitigate vulnerability to modern slavery. This consisted of desk-based research and interviews with policy actors and researchers from across three countries — Brazil, India and Nigeria. Building on broader efforts to monitor and evaluate social protection measures taken at a national, regional and global level during COVID-19, this project distinguishes itself by applying a slavery prevention lens to the use of cash transfers as a social protection measure.
- Intervention précoce et réduction des risques
Population Ciblée
- Autorités nationales anti-TEH
Focus géographique
- Amérique Latine et Caraïbes
- Asie du Sud
- Nigeria