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Ratified international instrumentsLibya has ratified the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime on the 24th of September 2004.  
National law to fight THBLibya has not adopted a specific law regarding combatting and preventing trafficking in human beings. However, provisions in the penal code regarding certain aspects of trafficking in human beings can be found. Articles 418, 419, and 420 of the penal code criminalized certain forms of sex trafficking involving women Article 425 criminalized slavery and article 426 criminalized the buying and selling of slaves   Libya has adopted a Law No.19/2010 to combat illegal immigration.  
National Strategy and Action Plan to fight THBLibya did not implement a national strategy nor action plan to combat trafficking in human beings yet.  
National body in charge of coordinating measures to fight against THBLibya does not have a national coordinating body responsible for combating human trafficking.
National Referral Mechanism (NRM)Libya has not adopted a National Referral Mechanism.   However, the Department to Combat Illegal Migration of the Ministry of Interior is responsible for anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts. The Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Attorney General issue arrest warrants for alleged perpetrators of trafficking in human beings.   Yet, due to the political instability, the ministries were limited in their abilities to carry out anti-trafficking operations and pursuing trafficking cases.  
US State Department TIP reportThe US State Department has classified Libya as a special case for the eighth consecutive year. The report can be found here.  

This site has been designed with the support of the European Union and the Council of Europe within the framework of the joint program entitled "Support Project for Independent Bodies in Tunisia" (PAII-T), co-financed by the two organizations and implemented by the Council of Europe.

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