Result : 285 Found

United Nations Comvention against transnational organized crime and the protocols thereto
- 2004
- Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC)

Final independent project evaluation – the arab initiative to build national capacities to combat human trafficking in the arab countries
- 2020
- Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC)

The national referral mechanism for victims of trafficking – Egypt
- The national coordinating committee for combating and prventing illegal migration and trafficking in persons - Egypt (NCCPIM TIP)

The National Strategy on combating illegal migration (2016-2026) – Egypt
- 2016
- The national coordinating committee for combating and prventing illegal migration and trafficking in persons - Egypt (NCCPIM TIP)

Third national strategy (2022 – 2026) to combat and prevent trafficking in persons – Egypt
- 2022
- The national coordinating committee for combating and prventing illegal migration and trafficking in persons - Egypt (NCCPIM TIP)

Penal Code – Libya
- Autre

National Referral Mechanism – Standard Operating Procesudres in dealing with human trafficking cases – Jordan
- Jordan Authorities • Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC)

Law No. 164 of 24/08/2011 on punishment for the crime of trafficking in persons
- 2011
- République Libanaise

Loi n°164 du 24/08/2011 sur la lutte contre la traite des personnes – République Libanaise
- 2011
- République Libanaise

International standards on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation
- 2023
- Groupe d'action financière (GAFI)

Prosecuting THB for the purpose of labour exploitation
- 2015

Améliorer le retour et la reinsertion surs et dignes des personnes victimes de la traite
- 2015
- Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (OIM)

Enhancing the safety and sustainability of the return and reintegration of victims of trafficking
- 2015
- Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (OIM)

Draft regional programme for the Arab states to combat criminal, terrorist and health threats and strengthen criminal justice systems in line with international standards on human rights (2016-2021)
- 2015
- Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC)

Delta 8.7 cash transfer mapping report
- 2022
- University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR)

Charte Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples
- 1981
- Organisation de l'Unité Africaine (OUA)