Monitoring and evaluation handbook for national action plans against trafficking in human beings
Auteurs : Centre International pour le Développement des Politiques Migratoires (ICMPD)
Following the principles of results-based management, the handbook provides easy-to-follow guidelines on how to monitor, review, evaluate and report on national action plans against trafficking in human beings. More specifically, the handbook builds on sections C.1.5. and D.1.5. of the Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive National Anti-Trafficking Response and describes in detail how, when and by whom effective review, monitoring and evaluation should be carried out.
The handbook is fully in line with the latest international and European standards and takes national good practices into consideration. In addition, it promotes the concepts of governmental ownership, civil society participation and a multi-disciplinary approach as a prerequisite for a sustainable and comprehensive national anti-trafficking response.
The recommended steps and measures contained in this M&E Handbook are meant to be adapted to country-specific structures and needs; thus, this document can be used by a wide range of anti-trafficking actors regardless of the geographical area.
- Monitoring et évaluation des politiques publiques sur la traite
Population Ciblée
- Autorités nationales anti-TEH
Focus géographique
- Monde