Europol spotlight : criminal networks in migrant smuggling
Auteurs : EUROPOL
Migrant smuggling is a dynamic criminal activity that affects the EU’s internal security.
The market for migrant smuggling services to and within the EU is reaching new heights, fuelled by emerging and deepening crises, most notably economic recessions, environmental emergencies caused by climate change, as well as conflicts and demographic pressure in many origin countries. The perception of the EU as a comparatively more stable region, coupled with steady labour demands in EU destination countries, additionally sustains the market for smuggling services.
- Structures des réseaux de trafiquants
- Crime organisé
- Migration
- Données sur les tendances de la traite
Population Ciblée
- Autorités nationales anti-TEH
- Chercheurs et universitaires
- Grand public
- Médias
- Organisations internationales
- Secteur financier
- Secteur justice
- Secteur sécurité
Focus géographique
- Europe
- Monde