Trafficked Third-Country Nationals:Detection, Identification and Protection in Austria
Auteurs : European Migration Network | Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (OIM)
The EMN study Trafficked Third-Country Nationals: Detection, Identification and Protection in Austria, to which this national report contributes, aims to examine national practices for the detection, identification and protection of trafficked third-country nationals. In this sense, the EMN study provides a statistical overview, highlights national policy and legal developments in the field of detection, identification and protection of trafficked persons, addresses cooperation mechanisms and identifies challenges as well as best practices.
- Monitoring et évaluation des politiques publiques sur la traite
- Stratégies et plans d’action
- Protection des victimes
- Poursuite des auteurs
- Partenariat
- Coopération avec la société civile
- Coopération internationale / régionale / bilatérale
- Migration
- Données sur les tendances de la traite
Population Ciblée
- Organisations internationales
Focus géographique
- Autriche
- Europe