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The EU rights of victims of trafficking in human beings


Auteurs : Commission Européenne

Addressing traffi cking in human beings is a priority for the European Union and the Member States. The EU approach recognises the gender-specifi c nature of traffi cking in human beings. It places the victim and its human rights at the centre, and recognises the need for a child-sensitive approach. It emphasises the need for coordinated, multidisciplinary action. Clear and consistent information to victims of traffi cking in human beings on their rights is essential. These rights range from (emergency) assistance and health care to labour rights, rights regarding access to justice and to a lawyer, and on the possibilities of claiming compensation.
This document provides an overview of those rights based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, EU directives, framework decisions and European
Court of Human Rights case-law. Additional rights for children have been included at the end of each chapter.
This document is addressed to victims and to practitioners seeking an overview of rights based on EU legislation, as well as to Member States developing similar overviews of rights of human traffi cking victims at national level. EU legislation provides for minimum standards, Member States can go beyond these standards as appropriate.

  • Lois anti-traite
Population Ciblée
  • Professionnels en lien avec la lutte contre la traite
  • Victimes et victimes potentielles de la traite
Focus géographique
  • Europe

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