IOM handbook on protection and assistance to migrants vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse
Auteurs : Organisation Internationale pour la Migration (OIM)
This handbook presents the determinants of migrant vulnerability (DOMV) model for analysing and responding to migrant vulnerability. The DOMV model is specifically designed to address the protection and assistance needs of a specific subset of migrants: those who have experienced or are vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse before, during or after the migration process.
The handbook further presents best practices and lessons learned in migrant protection and assistance, based on IOM’s extensive experience in providing protection and assistance services to trafficked and other vulnerable migrants, and on the provision of return and reintegration services to migrants from around the globe. It also draws on IOM’s extensive experience in structural or up-stream programming, including capacity-building for governments and technical guidance on the development and implementation of counter-trafficking, anti-smuggling, migration management laws, policies and programmes.
- Protection des victimes
- Mesures spécifiques pour les migrants
- Migration
Population Ciblée
- Autorités nationales anti-TEH
- Professionnels en lien avec la lutte contre la traite
Focus géographique
- Monde